Biomarker Innovations


Immune Cell Sequencing in Early Psychosis

led by Mary-Ellen Lynall in Cambridge, with the Wellcome Trust Sanger Centre and the NIHR Mental Health Mission as key partners, this workstream will generate new sequencing data on single immune cells in NHS service users starting treatment for psychosis.


MRI and PET Biomarkers

led by Varun Warrier and Ed Bullmore in Cambridge, this workstream will find MRI biomarkers for brain network changes that sit on the causal pathways between immune or metabolic factors and mental health symptoms, and novel PET biomarkers of brain inflammation.


Digital Gameplay and Behaviour

co-produced by Paul Fletcher and PWLE in Cambridge, this workstream will incorporate cognitive testing in digital games designed to be accessible and engaging to young people, and use these games to measure cognitive function in NHS service users participating in the Mental Health Mission.